You will learn:

Mix Design

Get a simple, from-scratch mix design that really works

How-To for Every Step

Every step of how to make concrete countertop: How to template, form, mix, cast, cure, polish, seal, install. 

How to Set Up Your Workspace

Exactly what equipment you need – and don’t need 

Instant Free Access:

Examples of DIY Concrete Countertops by Our Students:

Take the mystery out of how to make your first concrete countertop.

More about what you will learn:

Clearing the Confusion

When I think back to my very first precast concrete countertop, I remember how confusing the whole process was. Every little step involved figuring out what felt like a textbook's worth of learning. Every answer just lead to more questions.

Knowledge and Confidence

Are you feeling that way about the concrete creation you've been dreaming of? In this online seminar, I will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to create something you can be proud of.

Guidance in Every Step

I will step you through every single step of the process and explain what to do, and also why to do it that way. I will remove all of the pitfalls and confusion, so that you can be confident to get going on your first concrete creation.

“I want you to be able to do a project, do it in a reasonable amount of time, and be proud of it, and to have your friends and family look at these creations and say, ‘Wow, I didn’t even know that concrete could be that. I’m so happy for you.’ And I want you to be happy now, tomorrow, and next year, and 5 years from now, and 10 years from now when you look at these things and every day you’re going to be using them and feel a great sense of pride and accomplishment. Because you can do this.”
- Jeff